Financing Options

Flexible Financing Options Make LASIK Surgery More Affordable Than Ever!

If you’re ready for LASIK Surgery and want to take full advantage of the financial benefits of LASIK vs. contact lenses & glasses, but are concerned about the cost we have some great news.

We are pleased to offer the nation’s leading patient payment program CareCredit®. This lets you begin your procedure immediately—then pay for it over time with low monthly payments that are easy to fit into your monthly budget.

CareCredit® offers a comprehensive range of No Interest and Extended Payment Plans for procedure fees from $1 to over $25,000.

No Interest Payment Plans

  • 12 or 18 month no interest plan options
  • Finance the entire procedure, or just a portion
  • Low minimum monthly payments

No Interest Payment Plans

  • 24, 36, & 48 month plan options
  • For procedure fees from $1,000 to over $25,000
  • Monthly payments as low as $25 for a $1,000 fee balance

CareCredit® financing available

With CareCredit®, you pay no up-front costs, no pre-payment penalties and no fees! Plus, CareCredit® is a revolving credit line for additional treatment or add-on charges, without the need to re-apply. It only takes a few minutes to apply for CareCredit® and you may receive an online decision in seconds! Contact us today to learn more about our financing options and even apply over the phone.

Wells Fargo Health Advantage® credit card Financing your Vision Correction Procedure

We’re pleased to accept the Wells Fargo Health Advantage® credit card. With approved credit,Wells Fargo lets you begin your procedure immediately – then pay for it over time with monthly payments to fit your budget. Whether you’re considering LASIK, need cataract surgery, or it’s simply time for new glasses or contacts, Wells Fargo Health Advantage can help you see clearer, sooner.